Bugables Citronella Coil Wristbands release a scented barrier and can be resealed in its original packaging after use. Bugables Citronella Coil Wristbands contain one silicone coil wristband with resealable pouch. The coil wristband comes in a variety of colors and one size fits all with its coil design. The non-toxic formula contained on the citronella coil is safe for the skin and can be placed on the wrist and/or ankle. The easy-to-use wristband can be packed for outdoor trips and for planned outdoor activities. They are convenient for travelers, hikers and outdoor recreationalists.
- Brand Name: PIC
- Sub Brand: Bugables
- Product Type: Insect Repellent
- Product Form: Wrist Band
- Pest Type: Mosquitoes
- Container Size: 6 pk
- Ready to Use: Yes
- Active Ingredient: Geraniol
- Effectiveness Duration: 7 day
- Deet: 0 percent